Lincoln’s Tax ship that started the War


Lincoln’s Tax ship that started the War by Ryan Dawson Did the South start the war at Fort Sumter? No. Lincoln started the war trying to collect taxes in Charleston Harbor. When Lincoln could not forcefully collect taxes from South Carolina which had seceded, he created a blockade. What is […]

More Nathan B Forrest


“Major Booth, Commanding United States Forces, Fort Pillow: Major—The conduct of the officers and men garrisoning Fort Pillow has been such as to entitle them to being treated as prisoners of war. I demand the unconditional surrender of this garrison, promising you that you shall be treated as prisoners of […]

Jon Stewart Taken Down a Peg

Cory Hughes

Since I brought up the Civil as a response to Jon Stewarts’ rant about the confederate flag, people have been asking about the civil war. I guess they get taught in school the dumb dumb portrayal of evil that they get with every other war. If I hear but but […]

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